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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

New Release - The Bounty Trail by Clay More


Doctor Marcus Quigley is a man of many talents. He’s a qualified dental surgeon, as well as a deadly bounty hunter. And he’s equally capable in both fields.

For years, he’s been working his way west, always on the move. His reasons for choosing such a lifestyle are deeply personal, and he can’t pursue the kind of life he’d envisioned for himself until he finishes what he’s set out to do.

A dear personal friend—his benefactress—was murdered years earlier, and he won’t stop until he’s found her killer. With few clues to go on, Marcus is sure he’ll know the man when he finds him—and he looks forward to the day when justice will be met. But in the end, will Marcus get his man? Or will the tables be turned in one last deadly gamble?

This collection of short stories follows him on every dangerous step of THE BOUNTY TRAIL…


Ted Brisby winced as his hand went to his jaw and he tasted the fresh blood in his mouth. He glared at Doc Quigley for a moment, then leaned to the side and spat into the spittoon that the dentist had placed there in readiness just moments before he had relieved Ted of his left lower back molar.

“Ugly thing, isn’t it?” Doctor Marcus Quigley asked rhetorically, holding up the offending tooth remnant between the jaws of a pair of dental pliers. “No wonder you were in pain. This thing was rotten to its very roots. Do you want it as a keepsake?”

“The hell I want it, Doc. The durned thing has been near killing me for two weeks. Do whatever you want with it.”

Marcus scrutinized it for a moment. It was a dark yellow, almost brown at the top from years of tobacco staining, and black in the center where the decay had eaten right down to the nerves. There was nothing of the tooth that could be salvaged, so with a shrug he dropped it in the spittoon.



  1. Keith, I loved this book. So different. And very realistic--I can see where Marcus Quigley could actually get by in life doing all the things he loved to do and was trained to do--dentist, gambler, and bounty hunter. A fascinating character, with so many talents all rolled into one! Congratulations on your release! Excellent story!

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. I appreciate all the work you have done to make it look so good. And I think that Livia's cover is superb.

  2. Sounds like a winner. Congratulations on the release.

    1. Thank you, so much. I hope it provides some entertainment to the reader.

  3. Keith, I like the looks of this book. I just down loaded it.
    The best to you, sir.

    1. Thank you, Jerry. You are a gentleman, and a great writer!

  4. I just downloaded this and I'm looking forward to reading it. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you, Agnes. I appreciate that and hope you enjoy it.

  5. Congratulations, Clay, on your new release. It's a great feeling to get a new book out. I love the dialogue in the excerpt. I wish you every success.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Sarah. It is indeed a joyous time when a new book comes out. And Cheryl and Livia are great publishers to work with.
