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Monday, March 26, 2018

ANDREW McBRIDE interviewed about THE PEACEMAKER, writing etc. by BEN BOULDEN for the GRAVETAPPING Blog

I’ve been fortunate enough to receive wide acclaim already for my Sundown Press novel THE PEACEMAKER. Of 22 reviews and ratings 2 are 4 star, 20 5 star! This includes 5 star reviews from 2 of the most successful western authors. Spur award-winning and Pulitzer Prize-nominated author ROBERT VAUGHAN describes it as ‘a great book’. Meanwhile RALPH COTTON (also a Pulitzer-prize nominated novelist) writes: ‘For pure writing style, McBride’s gritty prose nails the time and place of his story with bold authority. …this relatively new author has thoroughly, and rightly so, claimed his place among the top Old West storytellers.’ I’m very grateful to both Robert and Ralph for their fantastic support.

One of the most promising new western authors is BEN BOULDEN, whose contribution to the BLAZE series has won acclaim. Ben also keeps the excellent GRAVETAPPING Blog. He’s been kind enough to interview me. The full interview on the Gravetapping site can be found here:
Here’s an edited version, with Ben’s questions in bold italics.

What’s your latest novel?
THE PEACEMAKER. It’s a western set in Arizona in 1871, when the white man and the Apache Indians are at war. The hero is an 18 year old young man who gets roped into a dangerous mission to talk peace with the most important of the hostile Apache chiefs – Cochise. He guides a duo to Cochise’s camp – a white man and his adopted Apache daughter. Along the way, the hero and the Apache girl fall in love. Fans of the TV Western series ‘The High Chaparral’ will spot I’ve borrowed the basic premise from a High Chaparral episode, but the second half of the novel goes somewhere else entirely. I felt the original episode could be the springboard for a tremendous adventure story. It’s published by Sundown Press and available on Amazon and the usual outlets.

Without breaking any of your personal taboos, would you give us an idea of what you’re working on now?
I’m not sure I have any personal taboos, I’m not that interesting! I was planning to launch into another novel, but finishing off other projects has put me slightly behind schedule. Right now I’m readying a finished western for some publishers. After that I’ve got to finish off another novel that’s such a complete departure from what I’ve written before I’d have to publish it under another name. Sorry about the mystery but I’m keeping quiet about that one for now. I’ve also got a completed Robin Hood novel I’m trying to find a home for, so I can join my heroes Rosemary Sutcliff and Henry Treece among the ranks of historical novelists. Then I can get properly started on my next novel: a western with an elegiac, end-of-the-west, ‘Wild Bunch’ feel.

How do you go about writing?
(Where do you write, when do you write, do you outline, do you write longhand / on a computer, how do you develop a story, etc.)
Where: At home on a computer. I know some writers have to write longhand, almost as if they have to feel the ideas coming out of their brain, down their arm, through the pen etc. Doesn’t work for me! For me it’s all about efficiency, getting my ideas onto the page as quickly as possible, which means bashing away on a keyboard on a desktop PC. I feel cramped using small devices like laptops. I’ve never tried writing in places like cafes, too many distractions. I like to work alone in my home study. I find silence oppressive so I usually have music on – something like jazz instrumentals that won’t distract me.

When: About 1991 I committed to being a writer, so since then I’ve turned down full-time work whenever I can, taking part-time jobs that free me up so I can write at least 2 days a week. It’s not always been possible to keep to that, and sometimes the finances have been precarious. In the last 8 months I had a bit of luck and came into some money unexpectedly, so I’ve been able to live the complete writer’s life, writing sometimes 4 or even 5 days a week. To me, that’s the equivalent of dying and going to heaven! This won’t continue much longer, alas, but it has been seriously great while it’s lasted! I tend to work a day shift, writing from about 10 a.m. until whenever in the afternoon the inspiration flags. I rarely write in the evenings, I like my brain to be fresh when I’m hitting those keys.

One thing I learned from Phil Caveney, my writing mentor, is that novelists need to have a time/ word count discipline. Give yourself a DEADLINE. For example you may decide you want to write an 80,000 word novel in 2 years. That works out about 110 words a day. Make sure you keep to your routine and write those words, otherwise you’ll join the ranks of would-be novelists who spend 7, 9 or 11 years writing a novel. So hitting my daily (or at least weekly) word count, rather than hours spent, is how I measure my progress.

As for outlines: I usually have a (very) loose idea of what the novel’s going to be about when I start out, a 2 minute trailer rather than a fully developed movie. Some of my novels have been fictionalizations of real historical events, so that helps provide an outline.

I tend to write a chapter at a time, and don’t plan much further ahead than that. I know some writers have to get a first draft of the whole novel down before they start revising. I don’t. I write a chapter and then revise it. It’s usually a 3 day process. Day 1 is the grind of the first draft of the chapter, which I find is the hardest part. You tell the tale of the chapter, you cover the story points, but it’s a slog and the writing may not be that good. But on Day 2 you wake up and re-draft it into shape, which in my case is almost always cutting. I may re-write or re-arrange bits but mostly all I do is cut – like pruning a hedge, or clearing the weeds out of the garden so you can see what you’re after. Day 3 is usually easy – polishing, just doing a bit of tweaking and tidying up. Then I sit back for a few days and let the next chapter simmer in my head until it’s ready to be tackled. Which means by the time I’ve finished the whole novel it’s about 80% done, so it only needs some tweaking and further cutting.

If ever I get stuck, I might just write myself some notes, along the lines of ‘what the hell happens next?’ Or ‘How do I get my hero out of this fix?’ I do also have a good friend I’ve nicknamed ‘Dr. Plot’ who I sometimes bounce ideas off. If I’ve literally ‘lost the plot’, he usually comes up with something. 

Do you have any specific pleasures, or displeasures, that come from writing?
I love the creative process, and the artistic side of a writer’s life. I like the way you can sometimes find creative energy and inspiration in adversity. I once sent off a manuscript and had it unexpectedly rejected. I got hold of the rejected manuscript at 10 p.m. The publishers liked the beginning and the end but felt the novel wandered too much in the middle. Partly because I was smarting from rejection, I couldn’t sleep that night. Instead I stayed up and re-read the whole novel end to end and went to bed about 4 a.m. I woke up 6 hours later and immediately started re-writing, with ideas that just seemed to have come to me. In 10 days’ I’d re-written the whole middle section of the novel. I sent it back to the publishers and they accepted it.

Like many authors I know, I love the creative side, but I find the ‘business side’ a real chore – finding publishers, agents, sending off etc. I personally don’t mind giving readings, but I find other aspects of promotion tedious. I’ve tried to make Social Media promotion and blogging fun, but essentially I would just rather be writing and let someone else deal with all that stuff. And rejection remains unrelievedly horrible. I’ve had many rejections, and it never gets any easier, or hurts any less. That’s when you cling on to the old writing adage: ‘What do you call a writer who never gives up? Published!’’

Are there any writers that inspired—or continue to inspire—your own writing?
 (Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, etc. Any forgotten writers you would like to discuss here would be welcome.)
Many writers have inspired me. My first literary hero was Captain W. E. Johns, who wrote the ‘Biggles’ series, which I just devoured in my early teenage years. He gets a lot of stick now for not being very PC and maybe he isn’t but back then I enjoyed his books as your archetypal ‘cracking adventure yarns’ – they were a kind of junior level James Bond. 

Captain W.E. Johns with a portrait of his fictional hero 'Biggles'

Then I moved on to the historical novels of Rosemary Sutcliff. Getting into early adulthood I was a big fan of Ian Fleming and Raymond Chandler.

Rosemary Sutcliff

Mostly, I read/still read westerns, thrillers and historical fiction, all of which you could call ‘adventure novels.’ In the western field that would include Gordon D. Shirreffs, Lewis B. Patten, Robert McLeod, Fred Grove, Louis L’Amour, Glendon Swarthout, Thomas Berger, Jack Schaefer, Will Henry, A.B. Guthrie jnr. and Dorothy M. Johnson. Thriller writers would include Walter Mosley, (earlier) Patricia Cornwell, Robert Harris and W.R. Burnett. ‘Classics’ would include Robert Louis Stevenson (he’s still unchallenged, IMHO, as writer of the world’s greatest adventure novel) the Brontes, Dickens, H.G. Welles and Graham Greene.

Forgotten writers I was a big fan of include Alexander Knox (who was also an actor) who wrote a tremendous novel about modern-day Eskimo life called THE NIGHT OF THE WHITE BEAR; Desmond Corey, who wrote spy thrillers with a hero called Johnny Fedora who was like Bond only cooler – he played jazz piano to wind down from the stresses as a ‘licensed to kill’ secret agent; and Henry Treece. Treece wrote for children and adults. He wrote two novels on the Arthurian legend – THE GREAT CAPTAINS and THE GREEN MAN - which are still startling in their originality.

I’ve discovered some good writers since engaging with Social Media. For example I gave a 5 star review (something I almost never do) to WHILE ANGELS DANCE, a novel about the James Gang, by Ralph Cotton. I also gave a good review to MERRICK by some chap called Ben Boulden…

3 writers I have to single out are Elmore Leonard, Matt Chisolm and John Prebble. (I’ve discussed these authors on other Sundown Press blogs. See my Sundown Press blog about Elmore Leonard’s ‘HOMBRE’ here:

If you could write anything, without commercial considerations, what would it be?
You don’t need to ask me about that, I’m doing it! Anybody who writes in the western genre is writing without ‘commercial considerations’ – but if you love westerns and have to write these books you will. I have written in other genres, two historical novels and some contemporary thrillers/outdoor adventures, but so far it’s only the westerns, which I’d have thought were the least commercial of my product, that have been published. 

I know you’re a fan of both Western television and film. Do you have any favorites? 
Actually I’m not a huge fan of TV Westerns. There were lots of them about when I was a kid growing up in England in the 1960s, but I always thought them the ‘poor relation’ of western movies. I don’t like being too negative but they did tend to accept and re-cycle clichés about the western, rather than challenging them. Some of them could also get very soap-opera-ish. You’d catch ‘Bonanza’ for example and half the time the episode would be about a father’s relationship with his son, and didn’t need to be set in the Old West at all. Sometimes you’d catch episodes that were entertaining, occasionally excellent, but not essential viewing.  But my biggest beef against them was their cheap production values. Because of their low budget, many of them were filmed on familiar Hollywood backlots or sound stages, and made little of what is a key western element in my opinion – the landscape, and its physical magnificence. Given my taste in westerns has always run to the outdoor and the primitive that frustrated me. The exception – the one TV Western series I loved – was ‘The High Chaparral.’ It did ‘jump the shark’ sadly, but for its first two seasons the HC was an outstanding show – not only strong scripts and a superb cast, but the location shooting, in Old Tucson, Arizona. That gave the HC not only physical beauty but grittiness and authenticity – the sweat and dust were real! I’ve blogged about my admiration for the HC. (On the Sundown Press blog here: )

As for film: People ask me ‘What’s your favourite western movie?’ and I can’t answer – there’s too many great ones. A golden period was the 50s so maybe it’s hiding in there. But there were great westerns before – ‘Red River’ etc. – and after - ‘Hombre’ ‘The Wild Bunch’ ‘Unforgiven’ and more. If you had to narrow it right down, I think the two most important people in western film were John Wayne and John Ford, separately (so you could look at movies like ‘My Darling Clementine’ ‘Wagon Master’ and ‘Rio Bravo’) and together. Of the joint Wayne-Ford westerns it’s hard to find a more perfect script IMHO than ‘Stagecoach’- the 1939 version – and I’m especially fond of ‘Fort Apache.’ But I can’t pick an absolute favourite. 

John Ford and John Wayne
If you were stranded on an island and you had only one book, what would it be?
SWORD AT SUNSET by Rosemary Sutcliff. She was a writer for children who ‘found her voice’ writing about early history – the Romans, the Vikings etc. Here she went into adult fiction with the definitive modern take on the Arthurian legend IMHO, depicting Arthur as a Dark Age British war leader fighting barbarians, rather than a medieval king. It’s incredibly deeply wrought, what one reviewer called ‘a bracing plunge into the heroic world.’ She gets to the essence of the story, which is a universal theme of the sacrificial leader who buys the life of his people with his own life. You find that theme in ‘Beowulf’ too, and in the story of the Alamo. It’s deep stuff, with great battle scenes!

If you were allowed only to recommend one of your own novels, or stories, which one would you want people to read?
THE PEACEMAKER. I like all my first five published books, but they were of necessity short, which meant they had to be action-centric, dependent on a fast pace. With a longer book like THE PEACEMAKER, I could slow down a bit, spend more time on character and atmosphere. I could get into Native American culture. I got to play around with a real historical character (in this case, Cochise.) I was able to write a proper love story, and flesh out the women characters. I could provide what John Ford called the ‘grace notes’ in his movies, quiet, reflective bits where not much happens, but they give the story added richness and depth. I was very grateful to my publishers for letting me do that.

Eighteen-year-old scout Calvin 'Choctaw' Taylor believes he can handle whatever life throws his way. He’s been on his own for several years, and he only wants to make his mark in the world. When he is asked to guide peace emissary Sean Brennan and his adopted Apache daughter, Nahlin, into a Chiricahua Apache stronghold, he agrees—but then has second thoughts. He’s heard plenty about the many ways the Apache can kill a man. But Mr. Brennan sways him, and they begin the long journey to find Cochise—and to try to forge a peace and an end to the Indian Wars that have raged for so long. During the journey, Choctaw begins to understand that there are some things about himself he doesn’t like—but he’s not sure what to do about it. Falling in love with Nahlin is something he never expected—and finds hard to live with. The death and violence, love for Nahlin and respect for both Cochise and Mr. Brennan, have a gradual effect on Choctaw that change him. But is that change for the better? Can he live with the things he’s done to survive in the name of peace?
Choctaw blinked sweat and sunspots out of his eyes and began to lower the field glasses; then he glimpsed movement.

He used the glasses again, scanning nearer ground, the white sands. He saw nothing.

And then two black specks were there suddenly, framed against the dazzling white. They might have dropped from the sky.

They grew bigger. Two horsebackers coming this way, walking their mounts. As he watched they spurted into rapid movement, whipping their ponies into a hard run towards him.

The specks swelled to the size of horses and men. Men in faded smocks maybe once of bright colour, their long hair bound by rags at the temple. They had rifles in their hands.

Breath caught in Choctaw’s throat. Fear made him dizzy. His arms started to tremble. He knew who was coming at him so fast.


And you killed them or they killed you.


  1. Thank you, Amy. Glad you enjoyed the interview. I know you've read a variant of it elsewhere, but I'm very much appreciate your support and kind comments.

  2. A wonderful interview, Andrew. I laughed when I read the part where you write notes to yourself. I do that, too. "Here, we need more blah blah..." Or "This is too abrupt..." stuff like that.

    Like you, I would find it tough to name just one western movie that was a "favorite"--there are so many, and the nuances are so varied (I know, that might seem unlikely to people who aren't in love with westerns like we are, but you know what I mean) that it makes them different in many ways. But I do agree with you about the 1939 version of Stagecoach--it would be hard to find a script, cast, entire movie any better than that one. It's one of my favorites.

    I've not read Rosemary Sutcliffe, but now I see I need to. I love blogs like this, where I learn about authors that are new to me and can expand my to be read list even more...(and it sounds like her books need to be moved near the top of the list!)

    Great post, as always, and of course you know how much I loved THE PEACEMAKER!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview, Cheryl. And it's only through the support of you and others at Sundown Press that THE PEACEMAKER is out there at all, so I'm very grateful. As for Rosemary Sutcliff: she mostly wrote for children, but never 'wrote down' to them, so that adults can certainly enjoy her books. She also explored the Arthurian legend in another novel THE LANTERN BEARERS. Probably her most famous novel was EAGLE OF THE NINTH about the quest to find a Roman Legion lost in Scotland. It was made into what I thought was a bad movie - THE EAGLE - unfortunately but the book is great. Those are good places to start with Sutcliff.

    2. Thanks, Andrew. From what you've said I picture her writing to be along the lines of Mary Stewart, an author I dearly love. I'm going to see if I can find some of these books and get going on adding her to my library!

    3. You reminded me about Mary Stewart, who I read a long time ago - she wrote books about Merlin, THE CRYSTAL CAVE as I recall? She's definitely in the same territory as Rosemary Sutcliff in SWORD AT SUNSET. Two more Sutcliff novels I'd recommend are TRISTAN AND ISEULT (again with an Arthurian theme) and SONG FOR A DARK QUEEN, about Queen Boudica. These are books for children, but Sutcliff never toned down her writing, and adults can certainly enjoy them.

  3. An enjoyable interview Andrew. I definitely agree with you about Robert Louis Stevenson--long one of my favorites. Interested in your book about Robin Hood. One of my earliest reading experiences was Howard Pyle's The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. I haven't read Rosemary Sutcliff, but I am a big fan of Bernard Cornwell.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview, John. For those of us who write adventure stories TREASURE ISLAND is the one to beat IMHO - except nobody has, so far. It'll be nice if I can find a publisher who shares your interest in my Robin Hood novel! SWORD AT SUNSET is a gritty, 'realistic' take on whatever historical background there is to the Arthurian legend, like Cornwell's books, so you may well enjoy it.

  4. He aint perfect.
    He's Trump.
    God sez so.
    Just ask Him.
